Grantown U3A Group
In total 31 species where encountered with the highlights being White wagtail, the first House Martin of the season, Long Tailed Ducks and great views of a passing Osprey.
Even the commoner birds like Swallow and Rock Pipit seemed particularly accommodating in sitting still for long periods so everyone could get a good view of them, leading to the rumour that I had sneaked out the day before and planted stuffed specimens at strategic points along the way!
However a gold star goes to John, who came up with the goods in the shape of the nearly full plumaged White Billed Diver sitting off to the East of Burghead. The bird was loafing about and gave everyone stunning views through the scope, definitely the star bird of the day.
White Billed Diver (click to enlarge)
John, the Banana Bill Finder!
Many thanks go to whole group for making the day most enjoyable, but in particular a big thank you to Frank, who co-ordinated it all and helped keep the crowd control in order! (although more practise is required on the Crested Tit call , purrrr purrrrrr)